Tuesday, March 28, 2006

SFW Nevada Project
The Sun FreeWare (SFW) Consolidation just opened on opensolaris.org with code, instructions for reporting bugs, building, and offering contributions via the request-sponsor program. I come to know about SFW Nevada Project just after the Shridhar instructed me to build Open Solaris.
I don't know why pupil call it building of open solaris while every thing is get done by nightly tool.
Any we people of Solaris project come to know that this project has been done by some another person so we wish to quite.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Other necessary packeges for smart-card on solarisx86 are as follows


For installing CCID-1.0.0 neccesary build enviornment is as follows...
./configure --prefix=${MSCPFX} --enable-usbdropdir=${MSCPFX}/pcsc/drivers --enable-libusb
gmake install


gmake -f Makefile.solaris
mkdir -p /opt/ITmuscle/pcsc/drivers/ifd-egate.bundle/Contents/SunOS
cp Info.plist /opt/ITmuscle/pcsc/drivers/ifd-egate.bundle/Contents/
cp libifd_egate.so /opt/ITmuscle/pcsc/drivers/ifd-egate.bundle/Contents/SunOS


./configure --prefix=${MSCPFX}
gmake install

Saturday, March 11, 2006

After teleconfrence with engineers from SunMicrosyetem US on early morning,Problem of installing PCSC-lite 1.2.9 beta9 on Solaris 10 X86 get resolved yesterday.
Actully from the first day, we was hang up with build enviornment.
Prerequisits for installing pcsc-lite is companion CD, freeware, contains lot of free software for solaris , like GCC , Flex , Gmake etc,
Build enviornment is set like follow.
export PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin

export CFLAGS="-I/opt/ITmuscle/include -I/usr/sfw/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/ITmuscle/lib -R/opt/ITmuscle/lib -L/opt/sfw/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/ITmuscle/lib/pkgconfig

And for installing

./configure --enable-libusb=/usr/sfw --prefix=/opt/ITmuscle --enable-confdir=/opt/ITmuscle/etc --enable-muscledropdir=/opt/ITmuscle/services
gmake install
cp ./src/.libs/testpcsc ./libmusclecard/src/.libs/muscletest /opt/ITmuscle/sbin

If things goes like this we will be completing whole project soon.

Next aim is intalling CCID-0.9.4. Hoping completing soon but not before monday.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

As I didn't mentioned , since three month I am busy with a industry project sponsered by SunMicro System. This is redarding to porting code for smart card login from linux to Solaris on SunRay machine for solaris 10.
Almost expected project completion date has came , but still project has not started from our side.
Mid are over .
For three month we are screwed by solaris enviornment.
As we experienced solaris first time so We have to took lot of time for building enviornment.
Project is divided into three team.
One team is looking Linux part, other is looking for Sparc Machine .
I was given installation and enviornment building task for solaris.
Me , Arpit and Asankhaya are given today responsiblity of solaris x86 part.
I am commited to do this job and I mean it.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

hey back now ......... well mid-exams are over and a era of my life too.
Life is going crazy.
I think it is driven by SMS... SEX MONEY STATUS... Problem is that I love all these word.
But there is something know as faith...love ... emotions. And I think SMS is a very lower bound to later.
I have come back frm big drama of society.
Everything seems to be snatched by opportunity.